Wearable Device for Paraplegic & Immobile Patients: Designed to Monitor and Display Temperature & Humidity Level with a Built-in Piezo Buzzer to Alert Users
(A) Background & development stages of the current project:
Background work and the gradual progression of this final project has been documented in the "Project 1" webpage,
which details how I brainstormed with my lab mates and regulary interacted with the TAa to solve different challenges. Together with that page, this current page answers the following questions: (i) What does it do?; (ii) Who or what work has done beforehand?;
(iii)mWhat did I design?; (iv) What materials and components were used?; (v) Where did they come from?; (vi) How much did they cost?; (vii) What parts and systems were made?; (viii) What processes were used?; (ix) What pproblems were answered?; (x) What worked? What didn't?;
(xi) How was it evaluated?; (xii) What are the implications?
Further, I also show different images and videos that display the work involveed in different stages, imncluding conception, construction, and operations. The project incorporated:
(i) 2D (Inkscape) and 3D (Fusion360, MakerCase) design,
(ii) subtractive fabrication (laser cutting) processes,
(iii) electronics design (KiCAD) and production (automatic PCB milling m/c),
(iv) embedded microcontroller interfacing and programming (C++ using Arduino IDE),
(v) wearable textile fabrication, and
(v) system integration and packaging
(B)Design, fabrication, and performance evaluation:
Electronic designing via KiCAD for Schematic Capture and PCB Layout:
Employing a 2D software tool, Inkscape, to prepare files for PCB CU-traces & outline
Inverting & Milling the PCB svgs using Roland SRM-20 machine, conductive FR1 board, and the CAM software (MOD):
Video clip:
Circuit components:
Designing an adapter and using it with a FTDI connector to flash the ATTINY 3216 microcontroller through its UPDI pin:
Video clip:
Calculating the power consumption by measuring the required current for the supplied 5 volts
Cross-checking with a laboratory thermometer on a hotplate and inside a water bath
Laser-cutting 2D pieces to test out a 3D model:
Planning the 3D model to be designed through the FUSION 360 CAD software:
(C) Final laser (GCC Spirit GLS) cut acrlyic pieces (peed: 2.5, power: 100, PPI: 200) for the 3D model cases:
I designed the first 3D model using Fusion360 based on my calculation; however, I moved to MakerCase for ease of fast proto-typing using the laser-cutting machine. However,
MakerCase cannot creat the hollow spaces on body. So, I had to do it in the CoralDraw Graphics Suit after loading my drawings into this CAM commanding the laser cutting machine.
(D) Wearable Device Design & Fabrication Stages:
Making a buckled elastic belt (by stitching) and sensor-caase:
Adding 3M-dual locker:
On-body trials:
(E) Demonstrated Video Clip for the Wearable Device:
(F) Different (potential) End-use Applications:
The product could be also used as a stand-alone device for monitoring and alerting users for ambient weather monitoring,
augmenting heating textiles or heated car seats that do not have such alert/minitoring system, with intelligent skins for robotic applications, and for immobile pressure ulcer patients
to monitor the microclimate of textiles next their skin or target area.
(G) My final code for the embedded programming:
#include // Library for I2C communication
#include // Library for LCD
#include // Library for DHT sensors (e.g., DHT_11, _22...)
dht DHT;
#define DHT11_PIN 2 // Connecting to Arduino Pin 2 for the DHT_11 sensor
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2); // set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display
#define LED_1 16
#define LED_array 3
#define Buzzer 5
void setup(){
lcd.init(); // initialize the lcd
lcd.backlight(); // turn on backlight.
lcd.begin(16, 2);
pinMode(Buzzer, OUTPUT);